Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where I am..

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I chose this name for my blog based on a quote from a favorite movie: Broken Trail with Robert Duvall.  He said, "...we live between the two eternities"

So here I am, on this small blue planet with 67 years of life to think about and write about.
This is a new experience for me and I'm excited to begin this journey.


  1. As I think about the eternity before time as we know it, I wanted to add this from Keller's book:

    I am doing a re read of A Layman Looks At The Lamb of God by Phillip Keller (one of my favorite authors) -- first a bit of personal history why the statement is so meaningful. I was in drama in high school and I was in a play. So, I'm very familiar with "behind the curtain activity" - the stuff the audience is unaware of. Now, here is Keller's thoughts: "Mankind's need for The Lamb of God did not begin in a Bethlehem stable 2,000 years ago. Neither did "The Lamb of God" himself have His beginning there...The account of His initial entry into the world is but the narrative of that point in time when God, very God, chose TO PART THE STAGE CURTAINS OF HISTORY BEHIND WHICH HE HAD MOVED IN MAJESTY UNDETECTED BY MOST TO STEP OUT ON CENTER STAGE. There in full view,...the King of Glory disguised in human form moved amongst men. Here was The Lamb of God...none other than the very person of the eternal God. He was the One who had been in company with the Father before ever the worlds were formed or the planet earth was shaped and fitted for human habitation."

    BetweenThe2Eternities will be my special place to express wonder and awe about my LORD, the Creator of all life, star-breather, "I AM" God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  2. When I began this blog, I thought about its purpose. Now, as I have blogged on a few days, I realize this is part of my worship of the great I AM. So, these words are for HIS eyes and mine, alone. I write for no approval other than HIS. BLESS YOUR HOLY NAME.
