Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jesus' Taste of Humanity

Holy Week Tuesday Day 3 of Yancey’s contemplation – 

Yancey writes regarding Jesus’ taste of humanity: “God’s character did not permit the option of simply declaring about this defective planet, ‘It doesn’t matter.’  God’s Son had to encounter evil personally in a way that perfect deity had never before encountered evil.  He had to forgive sin by taking on our sin.  He had to defeat death by dying.  He had to learn sympathy for human beings by becoming one.  The author of Hebrews reports that Jesus became a ‘sympathetic’ advocate for us…Because of the Incarnation, Hebrews implies, God hears our prayers in a new way, having lived here and having prayed as a weak and vulnerable being.”

Monday, March 30, 2015

Abba Father - Holy Week Monday

Holy week Monday Day 2 of Yancey’s contemplation

During Jesus’ earthly visit, he introduced what Yancey called “profound changes in how God was viewed…To Jews who dared not pronounce the Name, Jesus brought the shocking intimacy of the Aramaic word ABBA.  It was a familiar term of family affection, onomatopoeic like ‘Dada,’ the first word many children spoke.  Before Jesus, no one would have thought of applying such a word to YAHWEH, the Sovereign Lord of the universe.  After him (Jesus) it became a standard term of address even in Greek speaking congregations; imitating Jesus, they borrowed the foreign word to express their own intimacy with the Father.”  Abba

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Holy Week Contemplations from Philip Yancey #1

Palm Sunday of Holy Week  
 Day 1 of Yancey’s contemplation - 

Yancey writes: “In Jesus’ triumphal entry, the adoring crowd makes up the ragtag process: the lame, the blind, the children, the peasants from Galilee and Bethany.  When the Roman officer looks for the object of their attention he spies a forlorn figure riding on no stallion or chariot but on the back of a baby donkey, a borrowed coat draped across its backbone serving as his saddle.  Yes, there was a whiff of triumph on Palm Sunday but not the kind of triumph that might impress Rome and not the kind that impressed crowds in Jerusalem for long either.  What manner of king was this?”

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Preparing for HOLY WEEK, 2015

Beginning on Palm Sunday, 
I will post contemplation from Philip Yancey

Monday, March 16, 2015


Day is done (almost). 
Stand still and think of the wonders of God.

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Message To My Soul,,,

Hey Soul? 
Today isn't about maintaining control of everything.
It's about maintaining your gaze on Him 

in the midst of everything.

Today isn't about getting through everything.
It's about letting Him carry you through everything. 

For this is how you begin to spend your one life well -
receiving each moment for what it really is:
holy, ordinary, amazing grace - a gift.

Exhale. Abandon fears & abide in your Father.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Christian Marriage

"Your marriage is your witness. We need to be reminded often that one major purpose of Christian marriage is to be a vibrant testimony to the outside world of the difference that Christ can make. Nothing shows the love of Jesus Christ to this world better than a committed Christian couple sacrificing for each other and lifting each other up."--Jack Graham


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Time Change

This is a great T for this first day of 
"spring forward" loss of one hour

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Guarding The Tomb in Washington

Government Offices in Washington, DC closed because of heavy snow yet this Tomb Of The Unknown Sentinel continued to stand guard with honor and without complaint! God Bless Our Heroes.

Friday, March 6, 2015


                     FULL OF GRATITUDE 

The mind can play some crazy tricks on you . Lord we are asking You to set a guard on everything that comes into our heads that should not be there. Help us to never give place and entertain thoughts that are from no one but the enemy. Keep us in the Word of God so we will immediately know the difference and cast them out. In Jesus Name I pray, amen
Colossians 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Israel's Prime Minister spoke to congress today regarding Iran.  
I listened and watched entire speech.  
I am praying for this marvelous man that he will be in heaven with us after judgment day.  

