Wednesday, August 30, 2017


"The Problem of Pain" by C.S. Lewis. "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

Saturday, August 5, 2017

A Finished Work

From August, 2016

"A Christian trusts a finished work". I read that in a devotional book today and the words seemed to jump off the page. A finished work. And Jesus said (from the cross) "It is finished". Is this the finished work I am trusting? Yes and No. Strange that I would read that sentence just one day after a VERY bad day. In some ways, pain is my enemy. Yesterday it raised its ugly head. Kyla and I were building something together and it was quite a project. We were finishing it on the floor when she looked at me and said, "This is a really good day". Then she smiled and continued her work. It was shortly after those sweet words when pain in my lower back screamed at me. Gingerly I stood and told Kyla I had to stop. "Mimi's back is hurting". How well can a 5 year old understand that? Try as I could, I couldn't get the pain to let up --- Tylenol, ice, lying down --- nothing helped. I needed to move slowly through the house. But what we built was blocking my movement so I showed her how to easily separate the pieces so I could walk. She said no. So I did it for her. With my foot. I kicked and the beautiful structure fell into smaller pieces. To emphasize my anger and frustration I yelled at her. Oh how quickly a sweet relationship can crumble. Pain or not, I scolded myself, internally and tried to repair the structure. "Do you want to help me, Kyla?" "NO!" she said with tears, "You hurt my feelings."
Do I trust the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Yes. I believe He died for me because of days like yesterday. But also No. I don't trust Him to guide me to a safer place when I am standing on the edge of the cliff of anger. Because I have had experience with this cliff in different circumstances I have learned to hear His words of warning and words of wisdom of "Come to Me and I will help you with this." I heard those words of warning on and off yesterday. In those instances, pain was my friend...part of the warning. But I chose to not heed His gentle calling me back. Anger and stubbornness hang out together. Yesterday, they won.
Today is a better day...less pain. But, best of all, I went to that place of forgiveness. At the cross, I experienced once again His gentle grace. Now, for the hard restore the broken relationship with my precious Kyla. Charlie said, "Gini, she will forgive you. It will just take time." I began mending the bridge of forgiveness for her today. I rebuilt, as best I could the structure. Hopefully tomorrow she will build again and I look forward to those sweet words, "This is a good day, Mimi."