Monday, November 26, 2018

Advent 2018

Indeed, gratitude and thanksgiving continues through Advent.  I am grateful for God's serendipity "style" of relating to us.  He has often surprised me along my journey.  And, His faithful presence, although sometimes unseen, on other occasions has been evident.  For me, His essence has been a wonder-about-concept.  I wrote the following in my gratitude journal: "God is exceedingly, abundantly beyond beyond x a zillion. And these few words don't even begin to describe His essence - INFINITY - no beginning and no end.  As a writer, I often experience frustration with words - those I can't find in my thesaurus often helps me, but not this time. And I am so glad!  I will never find the words to describe the awe and wonder and majesty of God.  He knew before time began on this planet that I would in stumbling, incorrect grammar and sentence structure write this...He knew every sinful thought and action of my life.  Yet HE came as a baby, lived sinless and died in my place to restore me to this essence of love I can't describe.  I am totally astounded."  As we wait together in this Advent season I hope each of you will know His unending love for you, even in the clamor and busyness.  Blessings of Peace.  Gini

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


May the Lord of Hosts who commands His angelic armies be a wall of protection for these persecuted believers. May the prayers of His people increase as their intercession engages the spiritual battle waging over that area. Lord, be their victory and deliverance! Spare their lives! Give wisdom and courage to the pastors who are helping lead their flock through this time of great crisis. In the Name above all names we pray!
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints…” Eph. 6:18