Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Beyond Infinity

Meditating on the essence of GOD --- During this Advent season of 2016, I attempted to describe the essence of GOD.  Here is what I wrote in my gratitude journal:

YOU - YHWH  Exceedingly, abundantly beyond beyond x a zillion --- and this doesn't begin to describe your essence - INFINITY - no beginning and no end.  As a writer, I often experience frustration with words - those times when I can't find the ones I want, as I search in my "word box"... my thesaurus helps me in those times... but not now.  And, I am so glad!  I will NEVER find the words to describe the awe and wonder and majesty of GOD.  He knew before time began on this planet that I would (in stumbling, incorrect grammar and sentence structure) write this...HE knew every sinful thought and action of my life.  Yet, HE came as a baby, lived sinless and died in my place to restore me to this essence of love I can't describe.  I am totally astounded.

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