Saturday, April 19, 2014

From The Garden to the Cross to the Tomb

The prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was pivotal. Jesus went from "No, I don't want to do this...please remove the cup of suffering and death from me" to "Not my will, but yours be done". 

What Jesus experienced emotionally and physically at that time and then HIS "Father God, why have you forsaken me?" cry from the cross answers for me why Jesus had to be fully human and fully God.  I believe Jesus had to know what fear, loneliness, betrayal, physical pain, fatigue, disappointment and all the other human experiences and emotions felt like.  As a carpenter, perhaps he had smashed his thumb with a hammer and in that moment realized that some day the very men HE gave HIS life for would drive metal nails through His hands and feet.

But possibly nothing compared to the moment(s) on the cross when HE took all the sins of the world on Him and then cried out "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"  He knew God's answer of HIS Will be done was the forsaken and lonely and horrific pain filled hours on the cross.

Yet, back to the Garden, I believe HE could finally say "Not my will, but YOURS Father" because HE KNEW God would not forget HIM in the tomb, but would raise HIM to life and then it would truly be FINISHED.  Redemption completed.  Jesus fully trusted God at that moment even when hours later HE cried out "Why have You forsaken Me."  Is it possible these opposing feelings and spoken words of fear and complete obedience and faith cause people to doubt HIM?

Dear Jesus, May your truth expressed in those final hours and days bring me to trust you completely.  YOU are my prime example of TRUST...

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