Tuesday, January 21, 2014


(From 2003 letter to Brian)

...from our conversation about knowing God's plan for our lives, what He wants us to do in different circumstances and relationships.

I think as each of us grow in our "walk through life" this is the biggest question, if we want to live as He wants us to:  What is God's plan for my life?   The more I think about it, the more I believe knowing what to do begins with an action: an action of release.  It reminds me of bungee jumping.  I've never done it and don't know what the experience is like--what it feels like, what my surroundings would look like as I did it and what changes it would bring to me (like being more adventuresome, etc).  Yet, I know that bungee jumping is real.  I've seen people do it and I've heard people talk about it.  But those people had to come to a point in time of RELEASE--letting go.  I don't think it is intellectual.  If it were they probably wouldn't do it!  Somehow the person decides to trust the process/experience. 

Everyone I have talked to about releasing their life to God has some way of describing it differently, and yet they all say something that is the same: that the feeling of peace is overwhelming.  I think the answers you seek, Brian won't come until you make a decision to let go of your life.  We, who love you, can't say what is right for you.  Only God.  But, I don't think He is going to drop little pieces of His will your way, like crumbs dropped on the ground for hungry birds, to just satisfy you temporarily.  I can say one thing, without a doubt and with total assurance: when you let go, and turn completely to Him, you will experience the most AMAZING PEACE of your life.  And the journey will begin.

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