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Pastor's Note
As we continue on in what has become a much lengthier and challenging crisis than anyone imagined at the start, you might be getting weary and, at times, feel like you are losing heart. I know this describes my experience. Though we probably share much in common, everyone's weariness is a bit different. Some are growing very weary of social distancing, others are weary that they can't distance themselves from those they are quarantined with! Some are growing weary of the stay at home "rules", others are weary of those breaking the "rules". Some of us are losing heart because of an uncertain future, others are losing heart at a more certain "present" as sin and conflict in relationships are revealed. All of us are losing heart as we look back at almost two months of cancellations and postponements. While I am so thankful for how technology connects us, I am growing weary of livestreams and zoom meetings.
In this week's CBR readings, we've been looking at the letter of 2 Corinthians. In Chapters 3 and 4, Paul describes what keeps him from giving up in a world of suffering and difficulty.
He doesn't give up because of the freedom we have in coming to Jesus as we are - nothing to hide. (3:17) In fact, only when we come with nothing to hide (no veil) can we experience Jesus and His transforming love for us.
He is confident in the transforming work of the Holy Spirit who makes us more like Jesus - often most powerfully in our struggles/suffering (3:18)
He doesn't give up because the God who created all things shines the light of his presence into our darkness and suffering. We may not be promised a painless life but we are promised the satisfying presence (the glorious "face of Jesus") (4:1-6)
He doesn't give up because we don't look to ourselves for strength to endure or power to preserve. The power is from God. He keeps going knowing he's only a clay jar - ordinary and unremarkable. It is the gospel that has extraordinary power - especially for those who come to the "the end of their rope". (2 Cor. 4:7-9)
He doesn't give up because he remembers the tension of living in the already-not yet kingdom. Suffering will come but God will not leave us crushed, despairing, abandoned or destroyed (4:8-9)
He keeps going when he is weary because he remembers the death-resurrection pattern of the gospel. The things that must die, the losses we must bear, the pain we will feel will all moves deeper into the resurrection life of Christ - as the life of Jesus is revealed through our weakness and as the resurrection life of Jesus becomes fully ours in the new creation. (4:10-15).
Paul doesn't give up because he remembers he is not living for success, for the approval of others, for the maximum comfort he can achieve in this world but for the glory of God (4:15).
Paul endures weariness remembering tomorrow's grace doesn't "transfer" to today. We need (and are given, even when we don't feel it) day by day renewal of our inner man. (4:16)
Paul doesn't give up as he weighs the sufferings of this "moment" against the incomparable glory of eternity. He focuses on what can't be seen (the really real) instead of the what can be seen (that changes, that fades, that only gives the illusion of a pain free path in life). (4:18)
I wrote all that out for myself! I know a few of you really needed to hear it now and others of you will need it in the future. As we get weary and wonder, "When will it end?" "What lies on the other side of all this?" - we can remember on the other side of any/all suffering, waiting and weariness we endure in this life there is a God who is remaking us in his image and who will one day welcome us into the renewal of all things.
Love in Christ,
Eric K
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