Sunday, October 27, 2019

Falling Deeper with God

Yesterday I had a NASTY fall in the backyard --- the first ever in the 22 years here.

I was going up the little walk to the guest house and I had just past the playground area.  There was a garden hose stretched out over the brick walk and I tripped.  Amazing how time seems to go into slow-motion.  As I was going down on brick and dirt I knew it was bad and quickly called out to Jesus.  I was home alone and my cell phone was in the house.  I'll be so glad when the images of my fall leave my memory.  It was the scariest moments of my life as I waited to hit the ground.  After hitting, I laid still for a few moments in horrible pain.  I didn't hit the top of my head but did scrape my nose and I was conscious.  I decided I needed to try and move and see if anything was broken.  By God's grace nothing was.  So I managed to sit up and I started screaming for about 5 minutes "HELP!:  On Saturday mornings many folks are gone and our neighbors behind us were the closest for me to yell to.  So I continued but nothing.  I decided I couldn't stay there without help so I scooted on my bottom to the grass area and decided to try and stand.  I was able to make my painful walk to the back door and into the house to get my phone.  Charlie was in Anaheim with Kelsi and Landon for a game and Brian was at home.  So I called him and in about 10 minutes he was here.  In the meantime I decided to try calling my neighbor.  She was home and came right over.  The two of them assessed my injuries (scraped up left elbow, scraped hands and face, bad scrap on my right knee and worst was my right shoulder - no cuts but A LOT of pain.  I was good enough for just first aid and knew by my ability to move that nothing was broken.  All day yesterday I took Tylenol for pain and put cold compresses on my shoulder.  I am beyond deep gratitude for God's protection.  If I had fallen while walking down, gravity would have worked against me.  In the afternoon I found a sturdy ribbon I could attach to my cell phone case and now I wear it around my neck and shoulder.  Many of the pants I wear do not have pockets.

I'm currently reading the book ASTONISHED: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe and Mystery of Life with God by Pastor Mike Erre.  He calls Christians away from simplistic formulas to honest and rugged faith in our mysterious and unpredictable God.  God is more about deepening the mystery of faith, not removing it.  Jesus should get bigger the longer we walk with Him.  (These words are the book review with the book)  Again I am amazed that God is choosing for me to live out what I am reading. Chat later. xoxo Gin (Scoot)

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