IT PERSONAL - The Psalm for this day - Psalm 83...This is how it goes
with me --- I start with reading HIS Word and get centered - YES! Psalm
23! Then throughout the day I listen to the crap on TV news, read a lot
of crap on social media and by the end of the day I am living Psalm 83 -
chastising God (are YOU blind? are YOU deaf?). vv 1-2. Then I tell God
what to do - Go get those bad people (scatter them like tumbleweed,
like chaff before the wind - disgrace them, etc). THEN comes the
personal part "Then they will learn that you alone are called the LORD,
that you alone are the Most High supreme over all the earth." v. 18
Right Gini! THEY about YOU LEARN. Dumb as a sheep, I am.
But, I do have the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23. Thank you Jesus for your
grace and mercy 

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