Monday, June 3, 2019

Life on Planet Earth

One of my favorite TV stations is Animal Planet and I am particularly drawn to those stories that deal with people giving their lives to preserving the lives of animals endangered or just individual family pets under the care of vets.  It is particularly fascinating to me the efforts dedicated to conservation of species like rhinos, giant tortoises, gorillas, tigers and many more.  I can't imagine a world without them.  I hope as you read this it won't sound like preaching but simply me sharing my heart with you. I saw a story about the efforts to preserve the pregnancy of a rhino mama.  I was shocked to learn that the rhino horn is the most valuable thing on the planet - more than diamonds and gold.  Therefore, their future is fragile.  As I watched the human care over one expectant rhino it deepened my respect for female humans and animals who are honored to carry new life in their bodies.  Without them life would end - no more rhinos.  No more tigers. No more giant tortoises and the list goes on.  But of course the male is so critical and part of the future generation.  So, now, in my lifetime I see human conversation on a high alert to preserve our future.  We are the created beings above all that God created.  And yet, our story seems to be turning against that special place in creation.  Babies in the womb are sometimes and in some dark places referred to as parasites that do not deserve to live.  I do see extreme efforts to conserve the human life that God considers His greatest creation and HE, too, moved in history to conserve us.  Jesus gave His life to give us eternal life.  He, who created time and lived outside of time, stepped into time to redeem our time.

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