Saturday, September 29, 2018

Being assertive vs Being aggressive

Of late I've seen some "hot, sometimes abusive" remarks on Facebook.  These always seem to be related to political topics.  Because Facebook is a public arena I have a suggestion that has to do with being assertive or aggressive.

First, the problem as I see it.  I have numerous friends on Facebook and I enjoy reading their posts because it helps me stay connected with them.  I am assuming those who comment on their post are friends as well.  Under a post is a REPLY which can be clicked on and before replying, the name of the friend who posted appears.  I like this because it is clarifying to all readers that I am responding to the friend who wrote the original post.  But sometimes I forget to click on the REPLY and what I type is written as a comment.

There have been times that a friend of the one who wrote the original post reads my comments, may not like it and then blasts me with accusatory remarks that are often hurtful and judgmental.  These have caused me to back away from "debates".  I don't like and I don't need to be diced and sliced by mean words from someone who knows nothing about me.  I want to say here and now: "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!"

Is there a solution? YES.  I am going to try to always use the REPLY so that it obviously states to whom I am speaking.  But if I fail to use the REPLY, I guess I will start my response to nastiness with "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!"  Facebook provides the personal messaging if a friend wants to have a deep debate with their posting friend.  Also, the person who wants to throw their objecting slurs about can do their own post on their own Facebook timeline and then their friends can debate all they want there! Regardless of my solution and/or feelings - LET'S KEEP IT CIVIL and learn how to be assertive and not aggressive with our words.  We never know what is going on in someone's life at the time.

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