Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Monday

As I have thought about the glorious celebration of Resurrection Sunday and Pastor Doug's challenge to move from the dark side of Easter and live on the light side of Easter, I am CHALLENGED because of the stress of Easter Monday, just 24 hours later.  Reminds me of eating something that tastes SO good and then having intestinal issues a few hours later, and being robbed of the great taste and pleasure of that food.

In mid afternoon Monday we received a phone call that a dear friend of Charlie's was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.  Charlie went to the hospital and then arrived home at 2 am, 11 hours later.  He never left his friend's side (name intentionally omitted).  Now Charlie is back there to encourage and comfort his friend as we wait for tests in this life threatening time.

Possibly this quick downward spiral into life's issues would cause those who don't trust or believe in Jesus to have that bitter after taste like the meal lost I mentioned above.  "Why believe?  Now, where is your Jesus?  The joy didn't last long, did it? Why bother, nothing changed"  But for me, if I didn't have the joy and promises of Resurrection Sunday to carry in my heart through these downward spirals, I would NEVER taste Easter again!  When I accepted Jesus into my life, He didn't say, "ok, Gini, now ALL of life is going to be great!"  But He did promise to be with me ALWAYS, to the end - through the stresses and sorrows, through the fun times with family.  LET ME NEVER FORGET HIS FAITHFUL PROMISE.

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