Sunday, June 28, 2015

Glorious Wedding Day


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Worship In The Day

"Open your hands and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift from Me. I begin each day with a sunrise, announcing My radiant Presence. By the time you rise from your bed, I have already prepared the way before you.I eagerly await your first conscious thought. I rejoice when you glance My way.
Bring Me the gift of thanksgiving, which opens your heart to rich communion with Me. Because I am God, from whom all blessings flow, thankfulness is the best way to draw near Me. Sing praise songs to Me; tell of My wondrous works. Remember that I take great delight in you; I rejoice over you with singing."
- Jesus Calling, June 25 (Zephaniah 3:17)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My letter to Brooks about their son...

I have the little note Anna sent not long ago...and with the picture of the two of you in Latvia, I pray over you and your son.  I am so delighted for you.  Boys are so incredible!   Sooooooooo on the subject of names:  Yes, no doubt it would be hard to have a name that fits both languages!   I remember 39 years ago when we chose Brian's name there was no particular reason for our choice, except that we really liked the name Brian.  It was rather amusing.  As we waited for him, we kept hearing this name...seems it was a favorite that year for boys.  Brian means virtuous.  Interesting how the name today actually fits who he is.

Anna, I'm praying for your health of your wee one.  Oh, what an adventure that awaits you two as parents.  Isn't it, indeed, an awesome thought to consider God choosing you to raise him.  Keep that in mind and never let it leave you.  You will be his advocate.  You will be his comforter.  You will be his example.  You will be his encourager.  You will dry many tears.  You will shed many tears.  You will hug.  You will cuddle. And, best of all, you will have the joy and pleasure of telling him about his heavenly Father and loving Savior.  Bless you as you consider all that lies ahead in this journey.  Can't wait to see pictures of him.  Love and hugs.  Charlie and Gini

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Bolt

                                                                  THE BOLT
Charlie is a gifted mechanic.  He has understood car engines since his youth.  During our life together, he has often repaired our cars, without the help of other mechanics.  But, he is wise and well as gifted.  He knows when the repair job requires the expertise of others.
He recently got new tires for his car.  An important aspect of this is having the car aligned and this required a mechanic.  Before taking the car in, Charlie jacked it up to do a bit of work himself.  In this effort, he dropped a bolt.  He looked.  He felt around.  He searched on the ground.  The bolt was not to be found.  And the longer he searched, the more frustrated he became.  Charlie came in the house for a bit of a break and told me what happened and expressed that without finding the bolt, he wouldn’t be able to take the car in for repair.  I made the mistake of offering a suggestion.  The tone of his voice was not pleasant and I felt frustrated and angry.
After a bit of time he said he was going to return to the garage and continue his search.  But, before he did, he asked that I would pray for his search.  Alone and silently I prayed: “God, you know where that bolt is.  You know how frustrated Charlie is.  Please allow him to find it without searching.  As he finds it quickly, let it be that we know You directed him right to it.”  Within only a couple of minutes he came in with a big smile.  He went under the car and reaching both hands directly above him.  His right hand moved a bit and didn’t feel it.  Then, without moving his body, his left hand felt the area he had placed it.  And THERE WAS THE BOLT!  When he told me I ran to his arms and shared HOW CLOSE I FELT GOD AT THAT MOMENT.  God was showing us that even in this “small circumstance of life”, HE saw and heard us.  He granted HIS favor to encourage us.  THANK YOU ABBA FATHER!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

It is what it is...

There is a phrase often used today: “It is what it is.”   This is a favorite of mine.  I don’t see any IF, AND or BUT connected with this thought.  It, whatever that may be…is what it is.    It challenges me to see the reality of the “it”.   Like “it” or not, I must deal with the reality.  I can’t deny it.  I can’t run from it.  I can’t change it.  I believe the Bible is the God-breathed Word of our heavenly Father, creator and lover of my soul.  It doesn’t hold truth.  It IS truth.  “It is what it is”.  Actually, this brings me GREAT comfort.
I recently saw a powerfully gifted teacher of the Bible (Kay Arthur) do an illustration regarding God’s Word.  She held her Bible against the side of her head to show the importance of having His Word in our brain.  She then held the Bible against her heart to again illustrate the importance of having His Word in our heart.  Someday I may be challenged to reject the “It is what it is” or die.  Am I ready?  How can I be ready? Tough questions.  Maybe it would be easier to say, “Hey, I’m too busy with my life.  I want to choose what is and what isn’t and not have someone else tell me.”  And, then, time ends.  And, “it is what it is” still remains.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Oh, What It Could Have Been...

I've often thought about how wonderful America's years COULD have been with the Obamas in the White House.  What a disappointment.  Barack and Michele had the opportunity to unite our country as never before and bring pride to our black communities.  This picture really is beautiful but such a heart break.  Our nation is now living with the name Icabod: The Glory Has Departed.  God is removed from much of our public life and sin abounds.  God, please touch the hearts of this family.  Draw them to you...It isn't too late.   June 5, 2015 Facebook posted picture from one of my Facebook contacts.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

God's Paint Brush...

Taking a wee bit of time to watch the changes brought to the foliage in back yard as the sun rose and the light came on the trees. I was seeing more than a flat green - there was green which was almost white and green that was almost black and all the in between shades. Then the sunlight on the tree trunk was amazing to watch as one side was patched in spots on light and brown with the other side where the sun light didn't touch was like a strip of brown from top to bottom. Sun light brings depth to the colors it touches...then as I watched the changes, a cloud would cover the sun and the dance of colors stood still. AMAZING. A nice scene to carry in my memory during my busy day ahead. Thank you God for Your wonders in nature.