Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there’s hatred let me show love
And where there is injury, pardon
And where there is doubt, then faith
And where there’s despair, then hope.
It’s in dying that I will be born
And in giving that I will receive
In loving that I will be loved
This is my faith; it is what I believe
Lord make me an instrument.
Lord I am a stranger traveling
In a brutal yet wondrous land
Far from the promise of home
On a journey led by your hand
To where the lion lies down
With the lamb
Father grant that I’d never seek
To be comforted as to console
Let the blood of your Son cover me
Touching my spirit
Seizing my soul
Lord make me an instrument
Let your divine mystery guide my heart
Christ within me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ beneath me
To my left and my right
Christ where I lie
And where I arise
Christ in the hearts of all who think of me
Christ on the lips of all who speak of me
Christ in the eyes of all who see me
Make me your instrument Lord.
- written by Rick Elias
Excepts from prayer of St. Francis of Assisi & St.